Portugal vs. Panama is Mostly Personal
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What are the biggest differences between retiring in Panama as opposed to the U.S.? Hint: healthcare is a big one.
What are the biggest differences between retiring in Panama as opposed to the U.S.? Hint: healthcare is a big one.
Affordable healthcare is a challenge for many in the US. Panama offers more options.
Come on down for a little research and see if Panama fits!
A family decides between transferring to Panama or California for their company.
Ask yourself these questions before considering a move to Panama.
Water in Panama is clean and drinkable, but there are issues depending on where you live.
Affordable healthcare is a challenge for many in the US. Panama offers more options.
In the past, Panama has been very lenient with “unofficial residents.” That may be changing.
Is that a ping-pong paddle? No. It’s all pickleball equipment!